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Faith and family, done in style. I hope you leave here more inspired than you came. Let’s connect!

The Good News

The Good News

Since the beginning of the year, God has been challenging me to examine the gospel, in reference to my life. With this extra time, I’ve been gladly forced to commit to projects that I have been delaying … so here I go. That being said, I can’t dive in without sharing a bit of my family’s story first. :)

I grew up Christian. My parents grew up Buddhist. When they came to America, they didn’t have much. Their sponsors were kind enough to provide a one-bedroom apartment and rent for the first few months. There lived my parents and four older brothers, all under the age of 15. The sponsors were a part of a Catholic organization. Every Sunday, they would knock on my family’s door inviting them to church. My oldest brother was not interested and would often hide without answering. He eventually gave in. While there, he was given a Bible translated into our native language, Khmer. During this time, my brother was consumed with worry and anxiety. My dad was often away, working. So being the oldest, my brother felt responsible. One night, he opened the Bible that was given to him. The first few verses he read was from Mathew 6:27-28. 

Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. (ESV)

He said in an instant, all of that heaviness went away. *insert crying emoji here

From that moment on, he knew that he experienced something powerful; he knew he experienced something real. So he set himself to read the New Testament from the beginning to the end twice! My brother was persistent to share what he found to my parents. He started by inviting them to church. My mom described him as a pain and at times scary. lol... “He was relentless (in Khmer).” At first, my dad agreed just to be the driver. He then eventually gave in, which lead to my parent’s salvation, and of course to mine.

My family’s story fascinates me. It’s a reminder that God’s pursuit for me began way before I was even born. 


I remember church very early in my life. I remember as a toddler being sent to the corner because I was disobedient. I remember the nicest lady visiting our neighborhood to teach the Bible in AZ; she had the best games.  I remember as a youth, sneaking out with my best friends to the nearest convenience store. I remember raising my hand, because I believed in Jesus. 

My relationship with God became familiar. And I came to a point where I wasn’t happy. I had just graduated college and I left a job that I hated. I imagined my life differently as a young adult. I remember asking God, “How did I get here?” But not only that, I didn’t find myself living the “victorious” life that I read in the Bible, or in the songs that I sang on Sunday mornings. I was very frustrated. In my heart, I was dealing with so much junk.

And I said to Him, “.. apparently, my way isn’t working; have your way.” I begin to see things shift in my life almost immediately.

I’m still dealing with junk. lol... But it’s different. Our relationship isn’t so surface anymore. I’m inviting Him into every part of my life and not just what is seen on Sundays. He is healing me from pride, insecurities, anxiety, and unforgiveness. It’s crazy .. lol because at times I didn’t think I would ever be in this place of freedom.


When I first surrendered my life to God as a young adult, I thought my life purpose was to disciple people, teach, and use my gifts to glorify Him. I’m not saying that isn’t true now. But as I am getting older, I’m coming to realize that true joy and purpose is to simply do life with my Heavenly Father. To have a personal relationship with Him, and to one day be with Him forever in heaven.

In the midst of a genocide God saved my parents (more stories to come .. eeek). In the midst of my mess, God saved me. And you know what the crazy part is? None of this was for His personal gain. People can be fickle, shoot - I can be fickle. But not God. His fight, His pursuit, His sacrifice was and is, simply because He loves us.

And the good news is, to receive this love and eternal life, is not in the result of our works, but in our belief in Him. :)


“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 (ESV)

“For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9 (ESV)



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