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How Trials Bring Us Closer to God

How Trials Bring Us Closer to God

As we close a year and begin a new one, I can’t help but reflect of all of the things that happened in 2023. It was an unpredictable year. 2022 ended with a couple of highs, so it made sense to me that it would translate into 2023, right? Not quite. Instead, I experienced confusion, pain, and loss.

But ironically, even though I went through a sequence of trials that literally felt back to back, I was carried by something bigger than me. This doesn’t mean I didn’t feel every ounce of uncomfortable emotion, what I’m saying is that, it could’ve been worse. What the enemy thought would separate me from the love of God, didn’t. It actually drew me closer to Him.

How trials bring us closer to God.

1. Trials deepens our relationship with God.

When you think about your closest relationships, what makes them so close? What earns that specific person the “best friend” award? When I think of my circle, my friends became close because I went through some things with them. I didn’t just invite them in my life when things were gucci, (yes, I said gucci) but when things went sour as well. They are present for both. But it’s in the tough times when your relationships graduate from surface level to deep.

God desires to have a deep relationship with us. Not a relationship that is surface. But a  relationship that is personal, genuine, and real. So what does that mean? Ask Him the questions. Share your doubts. Express the pain. And when you do that, something begins to happen. You get to know Him. And in Him, your circumstances may not necessarily go away, right away—but you will begin to feel different. And the fact of the matter is, friends eventually will come and go. God will never leave you nor forsake you.  Deuteronomy 31:6 NLT

2. Trials gives us an opportunity to see Him fully.

It’s interesting when I meet social media influencers in person. Most of the time, the persona doesn’t match. But it makes sense, I’m getting a limited perspective. I’m not getting the full picture. Just like how our view is limited when our relationships are surface, its the same thing with God. When you are only inviting him in your life through highlight reels or seeking him in times of need, you get a lukewarm experience. And honestly friends, if we approach God in that way, we are sadly missing out.

Peter in the Bible says, as we go though fiery trials (testing that is like walking through fire), we become partners with Christ. How cool is that? And for what? So that His glory will be revealed to the world. 1 Peter 4:12-13 CEV, NLT

It was in my struggles, where I discovered that God is a comforter and healer. It was in my lack, that I discovered that he is a provider. It was in my weakness, that I discovered he is my strength. It was through my losses, that I discovered that He is my joy, peace, and contentment.

3. Trials help us grow.

I remember one morning last year, I woke up and prayed to God, that whenever this season ends, that I don’t forget what I’ve learned.

I’m sure you have heard the saying, “don’t forget where you came from.” Why? Because remembering your roots, your struggles and circumstances keeps you humble and grateful.

My sentiments exactly.

Last year, everything that gave us stability was shaken. Jeremy was laid off during paternity leave. He had an unexpected medical diagnosis. We moved out of our Boston apartment, because we couldn’t comfortably afford it anymore, considering childcare. And I experienced a miscarriage right before Christmas.

With what seemed like everything was taken away, we had no choice but to lean in, and trust in a God who has always been there. Our faith and trust in Him grew… tremendously.

And trust me, we had all the questions.

Why give me that dream job? Another medical diagnosis? Didn’t you promise me Boston? Why give me that child in the first place?

And in His mercy, He answers.

Because of sin, we live in a fallen world. Therefore, we will experience confusion, pain and loss. “But in the midst of it all, you have the opportunity to experience me.” Peace that truly surpasses understating, a joy that will carry us through, and a confident hope. A hope in His promises, (despite of the circumstances) and a hope in eternity (heaven).

Things that this fallen world cannot take away.

38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39 NLT

But as for me, it is good for me to draw near to God; I have made the Lord GOD my refuge and placed my trust in Him, That I may tell of all Your works. Psalms 73:28 AMP


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