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Faith and family, done in style. I hope you leave here more inspired than you came. Let’s connect!



“A goddess, uniquely and perfectly put together. Tested by time and circumstances to become the best version of herself. Standing strong, resilient, and beautiful. There is no one like her. No one.” - NYAC 1988

I remember seeing Mari, online boutique owner of NYAC for the first time. I met her at church. I was outside with my husband greeting people as they came in. She was wearing this long chic tan plaid coat— I knew instantly I had to talk to her.

I said, “hello,” and complimented on her outfit. I think every week after it was the same type of exchange until the conversation got deeper. We ended up developing a special bond, because we share the same loves: faith and fashion.

We share the same loves, we shared the same struggles, and we also share the same dreams. She just got there before me. ;)


What is the meaning behind your brand name? Who is the NYAC woman?

“Not Your Average Chic” to me, means that your style is not just chic, but it’s a bit of everything.
I don’t have a set style, I like creativity. She can get inspired by others like “ohhh that looks so dope,” and make it her own. Her style is versatile.

The NYAC woman is fearless and bad ass! It doesn’t matter if she is wearing a sexy dress, a short skirt, or an oversized shirt with some kicks, she kills it EVERY TIME!

We both alway knew that we wanted to do something in fashion. You told me right from the beginning that you had a dream to open your online boutique. What was your inspiration to make it happen?

Yes sis! LOL… I have spoken about this for so long! I felt like there was something always holding me back...I  could say plain and simple that my inspiration was my son (which was the push I needed) but honestly women inspire me!

After giving birth to my son, I feel like the love for myself and for women grew. We are AMAZINGGG!!! The simple fact that we create life, and of course the experience of giving birth, just made me understand the amazing creatures we are. But not only that, life circumstances and tribulations can break us into pieces, but we get right back up. We adjust our crowns and continue on with lifted chins. We are resilient! So I owe it to myself, my son, and to all women!


So let’s talk about the things that did hold us back. You and I both struggled with anxiety for different reasons. What was the turning point for you?

My anxiety came from built up stress. And it was a result of past trauma that was never confronted. I use to go on with life dealing with symptoms and ignoring the root.

Therapy helped me a lot. But I also found a place where I felt at peace, understood and loved. That place was church, where I met you!

My turning point was when I had a panic attack, it was so bad that I had to be taken to the hospital. I ran out of antidepressants, and the absence of the drug made situations even worse. I am not against antidepressants, they helped me a lot with sleeping etc. But I didn’t get off of it properly, the experience was horrible. That’s when I knew I didn’t want to depend on medicine to feel good, that’s when I learned other ways to take care of myself, to be present and mindful. I still deal with anxiety time to time, but it’s different. It’s manageable. It doesn’t control my life anymore.

Yes girl! I am so proud of you! So you now have two new jobs— business owner and mom. HOW DO YOU DO BOTH??
Did someone say coffee??? LOL…every single thing I have done for this boutique has been 90% of the time with Noah next to me. He’s priority! I have to stop what I’m doing at any given moment to cater to his needs. If he’s hungry, needs a diaper change, or needs a bib change, LOL… I’m there! Some days he won’t let me do much. Therefore, I have to pull all nighters to get things done. Because of Covid, I couldn’t bring him around my family for a few months, so it was really challenging. Recently, I started to visit my family again and thank God for them! My mom has been a big help.


What has been the most challenging and satisfying thing about owning your own business so far?

For me, currently has been managing every single detail on my own. From designing the logo for NYAC, the legal matters, the pictures, and designing and managing the website. I honestly don’t rest, LOL... but it’s all worth it! I know I will face many challenges ahead, but I’m always hopeful. The one thing I hold onto is my faith in God, and what He is doing.

I feel like with NYAC, I’m giving everyone a piece of me. Everything I do, I do with the most genuine heart. I love that I can build relationships through this, and make a difference. Also knowing that one day, (I pray) this will be something that can provide more stability for myself and my family.

Any last words or advice to share?

Believe in yourself, have faith, pray and surround yourself with friends and family that will encourage you and cheer you on! I’m an immigrant that came here at 12. Who knew that I would come this far?!

There is never a right time, you just have to start... (your mind can get the best of you). DON’T quit before you start!



The Good News

The Good News