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Faith and family, done in style. I hope you leave here more inspired than you came. Let’s connect!

Year 4

Year 4

September is my favorite. The reason? I tell people it’s because our anniversary is at the end of the month. Jeremy’s bday is also celebrated. And, the cooler weather and fall fashion is definitely a perk. But when it comes down to it, as the summer heat fades, I always feel this overwhelming sense of peace and expectancy. I have asked myself why? I realized (like two weeks ago), it’s the same exact feeling I had on my wedding day.

There is a reason for this feeling. As crazy as my wedding was, with the 400 plus guests, the five dresses, the endless photos, and tears, I still managed to be present. I was able to look around and see what God did and is doing. I saw the faithfulness of my Heavenly Father stronger than any other day. From then, I think I developed this habit where when September hits, I reflect and praise.

And this year hasn’t been different. Even though this year has been very different (to say the absolute least), God still remained.

In the same breath, I can’t speak about the faithfulness of God without including my husband. What a blessing to witness Jeremy become the man that God told me he would be. As I reflect on the last four years, I don’t know where I would be without Jeremy’s growing sound judgment and wisdom. I think I would be isolated, hidden somewhere. (lol)… And also being my rock during this wavering year, to the point where I can fully step out, heal, and do things that I have only dreamed of.

I think this year, I learned the power in remaining. Life is unpredictable. What a blessing that we have something to hold on to that is constant and true. And no matter what happens in the years to come, I will choose to reflect and praise—my God is faithful.


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Blessing Barn Beacon Hill

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Paragon Nails